In 1988, a draft of the PARENT ACADEMY was received by a group headed by Mrs. Pearl Warner, Acting Director of Curriculum and Instruction, in New York City. The program was accepted for marketing within a few months. Currently the PARENT ACADEMY is the sole parent involvment program funded by the 1990 New York City Multi-cultural Republic Grant.

The Baltimore City Grand Jury in its 1990 report, recommended the program's establishment in all Baltimore City Public Schools. This recommendation was based upon a review of the program in action at Robert W. Coleman Elementary School. Also, the Superintendent of the Baltimore City Public Schools has initiated procedures which resulted in the purchase and endorsement of the PARENT ACADEMY Kit by the local office of Compensatory Education.

The PARENT ACADEMY program is listed in the National Dropout Prevention Centers, Focus Data Base. Located at Clemson University, this is the nation's premier resource for information and assistance in reducing the dropout rate in American Schools.

Presently there are over one hundred schools participating in the program in the following states: