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ph33r the cute ones

You are either stupid or crazy to have come into here on purpose, any normal person would only accidentally come here...
B4ka-1ns4n30 is the 'l33t' inefficient linguistics (as I like to call it, because it is truly inefficient, I mean, how can you type ph33r or ph34r faster than fear?) for baka-insaneo. Baka is japanese for stupid and/or crazy, so you can see why I use it... (I have found many times when this probably would've been the best-fitting insult in situations, yet I never thought of using it! Well, now I'll try to use it when one such baka player shows up in a game, heh...)
The B4k4 form of the japanese term was sighted on a site known as MegaTokyo. The main artist, Piro, of the 'manga'-style comic updated there has made it into a new warping of the 'romaji' form of Japanese (that is the roman alphabet form of the language so we can sound out the artistic characters that make up their language) and made a 'leet' linguistics version out of it, calling it b4k4speak (what B4k4^2 and B4k4 are, which are his trademark one-liners before he frags you out of nowhere in an FPS. "b4k4^2 is l33tspeak for 'baka baka' - and might be the last thing you hear after confronting the dangerously cute, pigtailed PiroQuake on the back. ph33r." The picture above is the back of the T-Shirt mentioned here... yes, 'ph33r'). Please read his site, as I believe he explains it better...
Oh, and if Piro is reading this, if there happens to be some problem with me using your sweet 'Ph33r the cute ones' image for this page, then I apologise that I didn't, um, ask... and if you ask me to, I will take it down immediately... please, no, don't send Dom! PLEASE!!! "I WANNA LIVE! I WANNA LIVE!" (Ok, I admit, taking some lines from an old Star Trek Classic episode ('The Enemy Within' to be precise) is kinda geeky or just silly, but hey, you're talking about me here!)

'Killer': ~Personally, I think we should've been the first case study!~ (This is the persona of my old callsign in games, and now I can't get rid of the dark one that dwells inside of my head...)
'Paladin': Shut up in there! I'm trying to do a webpage!
~Oooh, aren't we getting a little worked up... is it because Mythos Games went out of business?~
Shut up I said!!!
~Now that Mythos is gone, who will make the ultimate Squad-level Tactical Strategy? It's a shame that Dreamland Chronicles: Freedom Ridge isn't going to be made...~
~Jeez, mellow out man!... I won't mention it again...~
Oh God... Why, God, why!... all you true gamers out there... REMEMBER MYTHOS GAMES! REMEMBER DYNAMIX! REMEMBER GATHERING OF DEVELOPERS! REMEMBER THE ALAMO!... Ok... I got a little carried away...

 Submitted: 08/17/01 4 Confirmed Case Study
Largo-mania: The Antics of Largo from MegaTokyo

This co-writer/artist of Piro's is just truly nuts and stupid! (at least his character is...)
Definately b4k4 and definately a good candidate for this page's first victim-er, I mean, case study, er... you know what I mean... :) / ^_^

 TerraDate 2001.10.17  Personal Psycho-Log:
I must be one insane being... stuff gets processed by my brain in the weirdest way... One example would be the way I processed the name of the music group 'Ace of Base' when I first heard it, without knowing anything else about them...
Pseudocode depiction of Paladin's 'algorithm' for processing the 'variable' 'Ace of Base'
Read "Ace of Base"
Display "Waste of Space"
It's true! I hear Ace of Base and immediately my brain thinks Waste of Space! I don't even know if they ARE a waste of space! I JUST PROCESS IT THAT WAY!!!

To tell you the truth, I really don't have an old gaming personality inside my head, I'm just naturally a nutcase that does overly-silly stuff like imagine I have schizophrenia or think it's possible to control the elements with my mind, in particular, the element of wind, with lightning of course! If I cant have the whole package, I'm not buying it! The raw electricity surging about me as I attempt to focus and channel it into a single bolt, directing it at whatever i wish to destroy... or, I could do like Static Shock of that WB Kids thing, and use it to move metal objects and fly on garbage can lids... er... maybe not...
Anyway, I have self-taught myself staff combat, as I feel I would enjoy bludgeoning my opponent to death, and I think Kilik from Soul Calibur just rocks!... And I don't like the mess that blood leaves after it's been released from the victim's shish-kabobed corpse... which leaves alot for police to find... uh... did I say that out loud?...

Most gifs of 'Mechs on this site are of the Microprose game sites, or variations of.
Images in this section are directly linked to their respective owners' sites. No webmasters were harmed in the making of this area. If anyone or anything here reminds you of anyone/thing you know, go take it up with those other webmaster guys.
All 'Mech configs have been made by Paladin Storm, AKA Mike Killer.
Please give credit where credit is due. Thank you.