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Tax Checker: Professional

A Review by Alfred Giovetti

Company Information

Tax Checker Professional
order line: 1-800-659-5427

Company Line

Below is a communication from Sean Florio of Walt & Company on behalf of TaxChecker Professional.

TaxChecker is the first software that allows users to perform complete IRS audits on their own return, project income for tax purposes for the coming year, and abate penalties imposed by the IRS. The software is designed to help individuals, businesses and tax professionals avoid making mistakes that might trigger an audit, which can save significant amounts of time and money, and in extreme cases, help them avoid going to jail. In essence, it allows users to "bulletproof" their tax returns. Users will find solace in their ability to prevent an audit, or the ability to cope with one if it is issued.

TaxChecker uses the exact same procedures, forms and analyses as those used by the IRS. The software also includes video help files that explain IRS procedures, a tax calculator, all of the IRS forms used to prepare taxes, as well as a book, "The Secrets of the IRS." TaxChecker is compatible with current tax preparation software such as TaxCut, Turbo Tax, Quicken, Microsoft Money and any software capable of exporting information in .QIF format (standard information file). With its ability to perform an audit (before the IRS does) on returns prepared by those programs, TaxChecker takes over where traditional tax preparation software leaves off.

I will be in contact with you shortly regarding a possible interview with Gary Kuwada, former high ranking IRS auditing agent and tax attorney. Mr. Kuwada is also founder and president of Tax Defenders, creator of the TaxChecker software family. In the meantime, please feel free to contact me regarding any questions or for additional information.

Best regards,

Sean Florio
Walt & Company Communications


At first glance this product intrigued me. I described the product to a client of mine who was unimpressed. She told me that " I am sure you have professional software packages and techniques that supercede any off-the-shelf consumer based product. We all need more clients like this one.

For one thing this client understood right away that this public was not a professional product as claimed but was designed for public consumption. For another thing, the client understood that mere software cannot, in and of itself, replace years of experience and training which separates the professional tax practitioner from the unthinking computer machine. And finally, it was comforting to see the level of confidence the client had in our firm when confronted by the "computer monster" which many feel can replace professional accountants, a common misconception about the role of computers in accounting.

Tax Checker has some interesting features, that attraced our attention:

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