Terratopia Walkthrough


By Al Giovetti
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Terratopia Walkthrough


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  1. Introduction
  2. References
  3. Letters

    General Advise
    One is contiguous girl was giving small jumps cheers for the forest while it followed a footpath, tarareando some fashionable song. It went dressed in his bodice, a small pointed hood of red color, black boots, white socks and skirts to cuadritos. Cheer went, put in his thoughts.

    Suddenly, of behind a tree, he appeared a personage with glasses and very undesirable aspect; as much, that the pretty girl could not by less than to repress a howl provided with more power than the pocketed a ball motor of a moped in one night of August.

    -Calm, sweet girl [ replaced the individual, provided with bad intentions more than apparent ]. You have name or him outcries to everybody this way?
    -My mother has said to me that ] does not speak with [ tipejos strange, so...- moment at which it removed a as long language to him as sonrojada

    . The individual removed the glasses to clean them with a rag that took in the pocket, and watching it with myopic eyes, it said to him:

    -Because there are to know that I am called Barbarian, the Barbarian. My fame arrives from the house from my brother-in-law at the house of my sister, situated both in the same address. Now no longer we are not known, right? So you can tell me that to Co... cords beams in this so full forest of fol... thick and dense foliage like the Co... Co... boundary of Do6na Ana before muds those.
    -It can that you are right. Then you will see, I am called Red Caperucita and I take this basket with food, videos for adults and batteries to him for the cellular telephone to my grandmother, who lives to the other side of the forest.
    -and díme, caperucita... you study or tr... estoooo... you have an older sister by chance?
    -Oh, yes, the Caperuzota Verde! The aunt is a heavy one, and must remain in house without leaving with her fianc2e until I return of house of the grandmother, to hope to me.

    At those moments dribbles arose by the comisura of the lips of the individual, that, as it is custom, processed a plan in tenth of second.

    -By an accidental one of chances, you will not have between 8 and 12 years, right, monina?
    -Because yes, old green. What pasa? You are not spoken with minor?
    -Sígueme behind the scrubs...

    After the shrubs, it showed a PC to him with a denominated game Terratopia...

    - Taking, nenina, throw a game with this game, that therefore you take care of the computer to me while I am going to make messages to another side of the forest... you do not go away until it returns, it is worth?

    Leaving the small desválida poor woman and one went by the footpath that had taken Caperucita, but in opposite direction, while some song of Metallica... in these whistled, it was with a wolf, that him dijo:

    -You hear, colleague, you will not have seen this way a dwarf cabezona with incarnated pointed hood? That me I want it to eat to her and the grandmother!.
    -Nor idea, my hairy and dentudo friend. I as for me, believe that I am going away to take a Macedonian from higos with melons in its intimate juice.

    The wolf remained thinking of what demons were speaking the Barbarian, but after shaking shoulders and howling a little, both they separated, each one looking for to satiate its respective hunger.

    image004.jpg 24.05 K In the first place, from the locality in which we began the game, we can go towards the Southeast [ following by the beach ], where the only thing that we will obtain is that it eats a Tiranosaurio to us, with which we would cause pains gut, so at the moment, we lower towards the North, the principle of the desert.

    From we can here accede to the labyrinth or, towards our right, to an Indian town that is nailed at the top of rocks. In order to promote him, we have to climb up a scale that is in the rocky wall and that is not difficult to find.

    We have to reach a locality that is located right to the other side of the labyrinth, although a roundup can be reached about the other side, giving and climbing up the scale and going through the town. Nevertheless, as the labyrinth is quite easy to happen, we will do it through him.

    Once inside it is relatively easy to lose itself, but daos it tells that whenever you reach an impasse, you will be with a map that it will indicate to you in what it leaves from the labyrinth you are. You must leave by the point of the labyrinth located in the part above.

    Concretely, and from the entrance, you must turn to the right in the first crossing, soon to the left, twist to the left, follow to the following crossing and put by the left ], to follow rectum to finding the first deflection to left, soon right him [ and throwing all rectum.

    There is an enormous crater, that locks up in its interior a meteorite. We ascend until arriving at its interior, and in a small altar image005.jpg 19.64 K we will find the first animal symbol that will need to us, an eagle. The cliqueamos with the mouse and already are ours. Soon we give average return and we go to the "observatory". We must solve a small enigma puncturing in some stars for until it leaves a form to us as the one the sample in the right part of the screen. Once obtained, always a track occurs us of which we must do. If you embroil and it does not leave to you, you leave and you return to enter the observatory and will be able to return to try it from the beginning. Never they make lack more than five clicks, if it serves as guide

    Fijaos in which whenever you enter a locality with some interesting thing that to observe, specific noises are heard: whenever you find an amulet, you will hear a determined sound, even although you have not seen it... in the sites in which there is something interesting that to observe or some track, you will hear clinc acute.

    This time, after making appear the constellation of the Eagle. It will appear to you a drawing showing the moons of Terratopia in a certain position respect to the planet. You take note. One communicates you that Sketch is in the Earth of the dinosaurios of Terratopia... Now is necessary to go to the town in mountains.

    From the crater, the town can be reached going towards the East, crossing the mountains and lowering towards the South by the forests until you find a deflection that leads to the West, by a lofty hill. We have to find a near tunnel from the throat with cascades that are descried and the small cornice that serves to us as way.

    Another way is, from the first locality in which we were, to follow the footsteps and to put by the gorges, to ascending by the way that there is next to the cascade. We are going to stop to the same site, happening through the same tunnel.

    Also it is possible to arrive until there by the desert. In the South entrance of the labyrinth, we can go towards the North and if we watched towards the East we will see the stairs. We rose by her and we arrived at the town.

    In the town, you must find a hovel, in which there is a pile of painted walls, with strange symbols, that seem those that you have in the menus of the program. It is the terratopiano alphabet, that you will have to be deciphering if you want to arrive at some part.

    In order to begin to investigate, fijaos that in a wall are the drawings of animals, followed by the strange characters. The question is that the characters form the name in Castilian.

    Another track: each letter or character is that it is the first letter of the thing that represents the drawing, but in English. For example, the average moon is an M of moon, Or represents a owl [ Owl ] or the L is represented by a leaf [ leaf ]. Surely that somebody remembers Riven at this point.

    Once you have taken control of most of the terratopiano dictionary, can contemplate to the strange species of roulette or morning call that decorates one of the walls. You move the balls so that they stay as the drawing that tomastéis in the observatory and which I said to you that ] represented moons of Terratopia [ not those of Valencia. Once placed correctly, it will magically appear a message in the wall, that this time I translate to you, without it serves as precedent: " IT FLIES OVER THAT IT KICKS ". Slight track, right? The menus of above say " CONSULTATION Frequently To the MAYORES " in the left part and " TO OBTAIN ADVICE and TRACKS " in the right. The mayores are that pair of Indians whom there are to each side of the superior part of the screen, in case the manual was no patience reading.

    It is necessary to return to the locality where we began and to go way of the volcano of the Southeast, to the search of the fierce Tiranosaurio hungry Rex. But when we see him, we punctured upon the eagle, that is shining, and we avoided to him capably, arriving at the other side of the forest of palms, in a marshy zone.

    TerraP1.jpg 8.45 K We found, in the point of encounter, a message of Sketch on going to the Crystal Cave. She is not the one of " the Barbarian " nor smells so badly, calm. Fijaos on a small rock, in which " ROCK / Of the H " is written

    We return to the observatory, and this time it is necessary to solve the Wolf. Once fact, we have another configuration of the moons, that there are to reproduce in the town. It will appear another message, that I do not translate to you because surely that you do not have desire to do all this roll for anything.

    The question is that you can find more symbols now terratopianos: close and right to the South of the cascade you will find and gather a spider. Now already you can go towards the crystal Cave, that is in the North end of the forest of trees of perennial leaf, in one of the routes that unite the town and the crater. Meteos within the cave, and when the spider shines, pinchadla to be able meteros by a small resquicio.

    terrap2.jpg 5.96 K There is a small rock with the message " / BACK ". It is necessary to look for Sketch, that it has disappeared and it has not gone to the meeting. Also the proprietor of the amulet of the spider has disappeared, Max. Aparece the odioso Cheating Coyote [ no, the one of the correcaminos I must be I, what is going away to him to do... ] that it tries to capture all " terrasoldados ". How he was going to have an adventure without the pathetic evildoer of turn?

    Good, when the animations have finished, the question is to leave the right Cave by where we have not entered, throwing for ahead without fear and rest. The Coyote provides a track: it is necessary to find elefenates or mamuts fleecy to win to him... what things!

    Good, in the town there are [ or not ] found out that the message this time was " Territories of the North, liquid Earth, Moving Ice " and East Coasts those, Beaches those of Lloret.


    We return to the observatory, where already we have to our disposition another constellation that to imitate. Once we know how we must place planets, we returned to the town and we placed them equal to have another track. There is a certain obstinacy by the creature who flies, the one that nothing and the one that climb. We, to ours. By the way: fijaos that another rock of those with part of a message are, " AMULET / To " and a species of chestnut.

    The symbol of the dolphin we must look for it in the volcano now extinguished, fijaos or and you will find it, not like the damn pin of the Darkseed or the hypodermic needle of the Prisoner of Ice... you will not complain, right?

    To the North of where you left the Cave, there was an enormous Frozen Island. Dirigíos towards there. You are using trasto that there is to the left, pressing on the ice islands that are formed. You must be able to just form a islita of ice of blue color next to the fat island. When you prune to press there, you will happen to the frozen island fat.

    TerraFum.jpg 10.18 K You have already arrived? I am glad, because the hands were freezing me p.... Let us continue. You follow rectum until the end and you turn towards the East. It is necessary to happen among the two fumarolas and when you see shine the dolphin, you press it... you will happen to the other side, you will see again the Coyote and a pile of elephants with enough wool... what type of animal must be that one? Be enough to take note, at the moment, that is another rock with an apparently partial message: " FOR / ACCOUNT " Following straight you find to mamuts and the Coyote, that a similar explosion causes to when to the Barbarian it leaves the deodorant to him within the Pryca. But we return to videojuego.

    image006.jpg 8.58 K We returned to the observatory and we repeated the habitual routine. We must go to the town to align moons upon the Sun of Terratopia, and appears a new message. You still do not go away, that by once, the next task you have it to do right here.

    image006.jpg 8.58 K Let us return to the morning call or roulette that is clogged. Let us press on the symbols [ you have noticeable in the image to the right of these lines ] that they pretend to represent lemur, to a species of calamary and a espatarrada bird as if hey had run over it a truck..., quick! New talisman, this time the one of puma, and I am going away to see the Head Sequoia.

    It is necessary to put in the labyrinth to defy to minotauro. Entering from the North, we will find him if we are going towards the West everything what we pruned, and once you see him, you press on puma to do a pretty one romps and to avoid to him capably.

    Now it is necessary to solve the enigma of the Head Sequoia. The data have been provided you by the old heavy Indians of above in the different screens.

    The numbers are the following ones:

    §                the figure that seems one comma with hairs, the nine,

    §                the star is the eight,

    §                the wheat ear the seven,

    §                the geometric figure, the six,

    §                the leaf, the five,

    §                the butterfly, the four,

    §                the symbol of the species of orbital, that has three " great wings " and three small ones, is the three,

    §                two hairy pelotitas 8) is two,

    §                the chestnut the one,

    §                or crossed with / is a pretty twisted roll navide6no or zero with internode.

    The numbers are combined to the habitual way to create numbers. Some of the answers are, always counting from above:

    §                greater Animal is the blue whale, weighs... the second of the left,

    §                Broad that contaminates... fifth of the left,

    §                the meters by the deepest roots... sixth of the left,

    §                the percentage of insects... third of the left,

    §                died Birds to eat plastic... first of the left,

    §                Years that the older alive Earth being has... first of the right,

    §                tropical Forests, produced oxygen... quarter of the right,

    §                Roots by square meter... the second of the right.

    The objective is to be opening the locks of the door, which causes that the old ones do a question to you. If you guess right, another one will be done to you until all the bolts are opened and you prune to speak with the Head Sequoia. If no, average return, you return and to return it to try... until the Barbarian it obtained it, without to have listened the old ones too much... Ah, the last question is possible that it is answered with sixth of the right. One forgot to me.

    We have another at sight rock of those " OBTAINING / TOWARDS ". Go. After speaking with the Head, we go to the observatory, we solve the constellation of the Fox and go until the town for the habitual routine. But we have problems... " the Fox drinks in the oasis ".
    Go, goes.

    image007.jpg 7.29 K We go to Isla Chistosa. 8) It is in the gorge by which the river winds. We can go by the town, following the tunnel and descending by the way between rocks until arriving almost at the desert. We must cross the river to reach it. There we found the talisman or symbol of the own fox.

    Now that already we have spoken with him, it is question to go until ídolo who has mentioned to you and to finish this slowness of game.

    Good. From gorge, we must to ascend and to find way that will be us to right, by that we arrived at a trunk that crosses the precipice that separates to us across, where is the Head of the Ídolo. Using the talisman of the fox we jumped to the other side without no danger.

    How we ascend now? Then [ is necessary to press the correct numbers you see them, between the pile of symbols of tótem, right?. You remember the pieces of rock? Then if we placed them in the appropriate order, you could read this:


    To see if you guess what there is to do now...

    image008.jpg 17.73 K In order to enter the Head of the Ídolo it is necessary to use the symbol of the eagle. We give average return and we were with megariddle or puzzle that you cagas of game aim.

    It is necessary to make five groups common, a terratopiano in each group, one of each color in each group. Then the groups are:

    §                Astute: Fox, Coyote, Crow, Lobo

    §                Perceptivo: Aguila, Tiger, Bat, Shark

    §                Energetic: Marine Leon, Horse, Dolphin, Kangaroo

    §                Hard: Elephant, Bear, Puma, Gorila

    §                Wise: Spider, Serpent, Buffalo, Whale.



    A personage, walking with a cojera as soon as helped by two ostentosas muletas, more bandaged than momia of Tu-Tan-Jamón and emitting gru6nidos, complaints and lamentations to each step, walks by the footpath of the forest until reaching scrubs... and immediately he is saluted by a estridente and rich shout in decibels, that threaten destroying the eardrums of anyone.

    -Young, the first time had grace, but now it hurts to me plus the head that if there were it used Jordi Singla to practice kills of backs... ngngngngn.
    -Man, thus, with as much bandage, had not recognized, and had thought that eras to you some pederasta abusón or an exhibitionist. What has happened to you?
    -Nothing important... díme, you have been able to finish the game?
    -Because yes, with these notes that you have left me he was very sencillito... the problem is that I have eaten merienda of the grandmother, and I have been spent the batteries of the telephone listening with walkman to Guns n'Roses, so only I have left the video tape to give my grandmother.
    -what type of tape one is?
    -It takes by title, according to the title page, " vicious Snow White and the seven enanitos ".
    -It goes, a classic one in his sort... you know what I say to you? Déjame the tape, that already I to it will occur to the grandmother.
    -Because it is worth, thus I can return home, that must be on the verge of transmitting the concert of the " Back Street Boys " and I am histérica to see them... ta lueguis.

    While the Barbarian manipulated after the scrubs the video and he arranged to calmly visionar one of best works of the seventh art, the wolf, hungry showed its snout that way as it says that they are it always those of his species...

    -I smell of Pointed hood! Where she is the girl, sly? You will not be deceiving to me?
    -You smell of Pointed hood because I come from its house, to try... this... to talk a little with the older sister.
    -it seems to Me that always you are confused of sister... the minor is more tender and does not know to martial arts neither its fianc2e he is woodcutter nor one goes all the day making the rounds the house. By the way, that it is called Lara Corft or something thus, the one of the Caperuzota Verde I do not know from where they will have removed the inhabitants to it of the town....
    -Or... if now or I know it, wolf. - It said with a face by the pain the broken ribs.
    -and now what me like I?
    -That - the Barbarian said I ask I. It follows my example and it vetoes to the supermarket, cómprate some prepared plate and you put it in the microwaves.
    -Your you think that they will have children prepúberes? It is that they enchant to me...


    Children, you speak with strangers, to neither you accept caramels nor dishonest proposals them.
    Barbarians, taken care of with the ni6nitas of nowadays. What odd habit with kárate of karaj... distán.
    Wolves, to see where you sink the eyetooth, are not that you they break it of guantazo.



  1. From: PMBramlett@aol.com, Sent: Saturday, May 20, 2000 1:57 PM, Subject: Another question, Does anyone know where I can get a walkthrough for the PC game Terratopia? It's for kids, but it looks to be fun, and I can't find a walkthrough anywhere. Thx for the help. --Pat ANS:Here you go a walkthrough for terratopia. Thanks for asking. Al

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