Scrabania Temple
IGo left for secret room
Chant to take over slig and explode slig on bomb
Go left then back right
Chant to make exit porto
Go left then run back right and leap onto platform as slog follows
Run left chant and explode slig
Sneak right and then back left
Chant to save two Mudokans
Run right and leap through porto 2) Go right
Leap over bomb and go right
Disarm bomb
Leap over bombs and go right
Leap over bomb and go through door
Touch stone
(A) LHS middle row, left door
Collect stone
Hoist down
Go right
Drop down hole light flint lock and go right
Hoist down
Throw stone at mine
Go right and touch stone
Hoist up
Chant to chime bells hoist go down then left, left and left.
Hoist up after scrab has gone far right leap and go right
Leap and go right
Go through door
(B) lhs middle row, right door
Go left, pull lever, leap onto platform
Leap into well
Leap into well
Go right and leap in well and touch stone
Run left and leap onto platform
Jump into well
Hoist up
Pull lever
Pull lever when slig is far left and then run right
Jump in left well
Pull lever and hoist down and then go left
Leap into well and hoist up
Chant and enter door
(C) lhs bottom row
Hoist down and hoist down
Leap and hoist down
Pull lever and run left
Chant to take over slig go left and shoot other slig, kill slig
Jump in well and go right
Touch stone and go left
Hoist up and pull lever then run right
Jump in well
Chant and go through door
(D) rhs top row
Go left and touch stone then go right
Run and leap onto platform go right
Leap and go right
Go up a little on lift and wait for slig to leap over and go left
Go down run right and leap onto platform. Jump in well
Go right, and right
Pull lever and run left
Crouch and leap
Walk off edge
Go up on lift x 2
Chant and walk through door
(E) rhs middle row left door
Leap and hoist down and hoist down
Hoist down and pull lever
run right
Run left
Leap and run left
Touch stone and go left
Hoist up and chant
and enter door
(F) rhs middle row right door
go right
leap and go right
Get scrabs attention by going right and back left, leap left and hang onto
ledge as scrab goes far left stand up, leap right and run right onto lift
Go down
Hoist onto platform and pull lever down. Leap over well go tight and gain
attention of slig and go back left over well and go right
Pull lever go left and jump in top well
Jump in well
Touch stone and go left
Pull lever and go right
Jump in well
Get on lift and go down
Go right
Chant and enter door
(G) rhs bottom row right door
Go up on lift
Roll right get scrabs attention and go back right stand up and pull lever
Pull lever again go left
Touch stone do down lift and chant for secret room, go right
Go down
Run right
Pull lever and go right
Chant and enter door
(F) rhs bottom row left door
Hoist down
Run right and pull lever
Jump in well
Pull lever and go right
Touch stone and go right
Jump in well
Go left, left and left again
Chant and enter door
(J) Top door of temple (waiy out)
Chant 'Scout from afar'
Go right (sometimes if you wait beneath slig he commits suicide)
Else run and leap right
Keep running leap and go right
While still running leap onto platform and hoist up then hoist up again
Hoist up and go up on lift
Run right and jump on lift
Go up on lift
Run right
Leap right and leap right
Crouch while running right
Leap onto right hand platform above lever
Leap over slig onto left hand platform and pull lever
Wait until slig is killed then hoist down
Leap over both holes and pull lever
Leap left and go through door
Chant and leap through porto