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Review by Al Giovetti
Price: $40
Genre: top-down perspective third-person shooter
Release: August, 96
Developer: Epic MegaGames
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Phone: 415-571-7171
Requirements: Pentium, 60 MHz, 8 MB RAM, SVGA graphics, sound card, 2X CD ROM drive, 35 MB hard disk drive space, Windows 95. Single1.JPG - 10.2 K

Plot: Well the galaxy is ruled by a group of evil guys, the Phantom Council. The evil guys do bad things, read as kill, to the innocent people in the name or order. You are a fighter pilot flying the Jagger, which is the deadliest craft that flies. The Jagger has a lot of good weapons to blow things up, such as a turbo thrust, cloaking device, lots of weapons, and many armor upgrades.

Missions: One predefined scenario with 18 missions, which range from strike missions, search and rescue, and reconnaissance. Shields charge up with time.

Difficulty levels: Normal and Challenge mode

Multiplayer: Play supports null and phone modem and network. In network mode, up to four can compete in two modes: Base building and Fire Fight and Fire Fight in multiplayer have as goals to race to complete your base or kill everyone modes. There is no cooperative play and two copies of the CD come in every box to help you and your friend get multiplayer fast.

Graphics: 3-D rendered isometric high-resolution graphics are on the 360 degree scrolling map display. The ships and background are all 3-D modeled and have weather, lighting, and shadow effects. Resolutions of 640x480 letterbox, 640x400 full screen, 320x200 to 320x240 are supported but the higher resolutions slow the game down even on a 133 MHz Pentium machine. The internet is full of video card related bugs and crashes. The only resort is to change video modes on the fly (from within the game) to adjust for the slow downs. Multi2.JPG - 10.7 K

Music and sound: Redbook audio can be turned on or off to adjust to system performance. No facility to use wavetable or FM synthesis is a downer.

Hint: There is a secret area near the first takeoff and landing site in Mission 2.

Chuck Miller,
Leandro Asnaghi-Nicastro,, 8/10 (80%)