Review By: Al Giovetti
Puzzle Solutions:
Making the Game:

War Gods Hints

    War Gods Quick Reference Sheet for

    War Gods Quick Reference Sheet for

    Nintendo 64, PlayStation, and Windows 95

    By McCarron & The IceMaster

    Revision 1.02



    The One and Only War Gods Information Center





    Basic Moves Ground Moves

    Flying Punch: U/UF/UB+HP/LP Pounce: U+HP,U+HP,U+HP

    Flying Kick: U/UF/UB+HK/LK (while opponent is down)

    Crouching Ankle Kick: D+LK Evasive Manouver: B+BL

    Crouching Kick: D+HK (while you are down)

    Crouching Punch: D+LP Get-Up Attack: F+HP+LP

    Uppercut: D+HP (while you are down)

    Fierce Kick: B+HK

    Sweep: B+LK Combo Starters

    Throw: F+LP (Close) Ahau Kin/Cy-5: B,F,HK

    Run: F,F All others: B,F,HP

    Walk in 3rd: (3D)U/D (or just run and HP)

    Slide in 3rd: (3D)U,U/D,D

    Jump in 3rd: (3D+BL)U/D


    Basic Finishers Ring Specials ("Pits")

    Ahau Kin/Cy-5 AutoCombo: (3D)B,F,HK Fierce Kick: (3D)B+HK (Close)

    AutoCombo for all others: (3D)B,F,HP Uppercut: D+HP (Close)


    Warhead Kabuki Jo

    Missles: D,B,LP Short Fire: B,F,LP

    Seekers: (3D)D,B,LP Medium Fire: B,B,F,LP

    Quake Punch: (3D)B,D,F,HP Long Fire: B,B,B,F,LP

    Cannonball: B,F,HK+LK Staff: F,D,B,HP,LP,LK

    Crusher: F,B,HP StarThrow: D,F,HP

    CC: HPx2,LPx2,LKx2,HKx2,LP FireTrap: B,D,F,LK

    Breaker: 3D,B,B,F,HP CW StarSpread: (3D)D,F,HP

    FATAL: F,D,B,HK (Half Ring) CCW StarSpread: (3D)D,F,LP

    Sword Fury: F,F,HP+LP


    Breaker: 3D,U,D,U+LK

    FATAL: B,D,F,HK+LK (Sweep)


    Cy-5 Tak

    Blender: D,B,HP Rock Crush: D,B,HP

    Laser: B,D,F,LP Boulder: D,F,LP

    Overhead Laser: (3D)B,D,F,HP Quake Stomp: (3D)B,D,F,LK

    Teleport: D,B,LK PowerSlam: F,B,HP

    Gain Orbital: B,B,LP (Up to 4) Body Rack: F,B,HP-U,U,D

    Fire Orbital: Gain, HP+LP Vertical Suplex: F,B,LP

    CC #1: HK,F,D,B,HPx2,LPx2 CC: HPx2,LPx2,LKx2,HPx2,HK

    Breaker: 3D,D,U+HP+LK Breaker: 3D,B,F+HP

    FATAL: B,B,HP (Half Ring) FATAL: B,D,F,LP+HK (Close)


    Pagan Vallah

    Skeleton Trap: B,D,F,LP Dragon Trap: F,D,B,HP

    Teleport: D,D,LK Shield Slice: D+B,LP

    Lightning: D,B,HP Axe Throw: D,F,LP

    Leg Flip: F,F,HK Double Axe Throw: (3D)D,F,LP

    CopterKick: D,F,HK+LK Sword Slash: B,F,HP

    (HK+LK to continue it, B/F to move) Shield Dash: B,F,HK+LK

    CC: HP,HK,HP,HKx3,LKx2,HP Double Sword Slice: (LP)F,B,HP

    Breaker: B,B,B,F+HK+LK Axe Chop: B,B,HP

    FATAL: B,F,LP (Half Ring) CC: HP,LKx2,HP,LPx2,HP,B,D,F,F,D,B

    Breaker: 3D,D,B+LK

    FATAL: F,F,LK (Close)


    Maximus Ahau Kin

    Hammer: D+F,LP BlowGun: B,F,HP

    HammerThrow: D+B,HP Double BlowGun: B,B,F,HP

    Shockwave: (3D)U,D,LP Tripple BlowGun: B,B,B,F,HP

    Noogie: F,F,HP (HP to add up to 3) Sunburst: B,F,LP

    Net: B,F,HP+LP Teleport: D,U,LK

    Headbutt: B,F,LP Clothesline: F,F,HK+LK

    Reversal: B,HP (opp attacking) Dagger: D,F,LP

    CC: HP,LP,F,F,LK,LP,HPx2,LP,B,D,F,LP Sword Swipe: D,B,HP

    Breaker: F,F+HP+LP (F+HP for extra swipe)

    FATAL: (3D)F,F,HP+LP (Close) CC: HK,LK,HK,LPx2,HPx3,HK

    Breaker: F,B,F,B+HK+LK

    FATAL: (3D)U,D,U,HK (Close)


    Voodoo Anubis

    Bat Attacks: D,B,HP Staff Chop: D+F,HK

    Low Bat Attack: D,B,LP Staff Sweep: D,B,LK

    Snake Pull-in: B,B,LP Staff Spark: D+F,HP

    Teleport: B,F,LK Teleport Attack: B,F,LK

    NailDown: (3D)B,D,F,HP Horn Charge: F,D,B,HK+LK

    Spinning Claw: B,F,HP+LP Pyramid Containment: D+B,LP

    (HP+LP to continue spinning) CC: HP,HK,HP,LP,BL,F,F,B,F,HK+LK

    Bitch Slap: F,B,LP (LP for more) Breaker: 3D,B,U,F+HK

    CC: HP,HK,HP,LKx3,LPx2,HK,HP FATAL: F,D,B,HP+LK (Half Ring)

    Breaker: F,D,B+HP+LP

    FATAL: B,F,LP (Half Ring) Exor

    Force Field: F,F,HP

    Grox Containment Orb: F,D,B,HP

    Belly Splash: B,F,HK+LK Grounded Laser: B,D,F,LP

    Ragdoll Throw: F,B,LP (Close) Arial Laser: F,F,HK

    Hammer Fist: F,F,HP Arial MultiLaser #1: B,B,HP+LP

    Shockwave Stomp: B,U,F,LK Arial MultiLaser #2: B,F,HP+LP

    Forearm Attack: B,F,HP Teleport: F,F,LK

    Belly Bump: B,F,HP+LP Teleport Arial Laser: F,D,B,HK

    MiniStomp: F+HP (Close) Telekinetic Slam: F+LP

    Turn-Around Backfist: B,B,LP

    N64 Cheats

    Cheat Menu (added to Options): At title screen - Right,Right,Right,B,B,A,A

    Free Play (Ultimited Credits): At title screen - CL,CL,Right,A,B,CU,CR

    Play as Grox: At selection screen - D,R,L,L,U,D,R,U,L,L

    Play as Exor: At selection screen - L,D,D,R,L,U,L,U,R,D

    Easy Fatals: Just HP+LP+HK+LK for Fatal when enabled in cheat menu


    PlayStation Cheats Windows 95 Cheats


    == === ======== == === ========

    0705 5070 Free Play 2509 9052 Free Play

    2358 8532 Player 1 Invincible 1971 1791 Player 1 Invincible

    1224 4221 Player 2 Invincible 1515 5151 Player 2 Invincible

    7879 9787 Player 1 Extra Damage 0708 8070 Player 1 Extra Damage

    3961 1693 Player 2 Extra Damage 3366 6633 Player 2 Extra Damage

    4258 8524 One win to finish game 4774 7447 One win to finish game

    0322 2230 Easy Fatals (just HP+LK) 1037 7301 Easy Fatals (just HP+LK)

    6969 9696 Play as Grox 3871 1783 Play as Grox

    2791 1972 Play as Exor 9021 1209 Play as Exor

    5550 5556 Always Level 1 9990 9996 Always Level 1

    5551 5556 Always Level 2 9991 9996 Always Level 2

    5552 5556 Always Level 3 9992 9996 Always Level 3

    5553 5556 Always Level 4 9993 9996 Always Level 4

    5554 5556 Always Level 5 9994 9996 Always Level 5

    5555 5556 Always Level 6 9995 9996 Always Level 6

    5557 5556 Always Level 7 (Hidden) 9997 9996 Always Level 7 (Hidden)

    5721 5721 Frame Rate Display toggle


    NOTE: Some of the numeric codes for the Win95 version (listed above)

    will NOT work if entered after starting a game!


    Random Select (All versions): At selection screen - U+Start on default box




    The War Gods Information Center

    World Wide Web Site - http://www.icemaster.org/wargods/

    AnonymousFTP Site - ftp.icemaster.org /pub/wargods/



    Patrick McCarron - pat@rat.org

    The IceMaster - wargods@icemaster.org




    The War Gods Information Center is

    Copyright (C) 1996-97 Patrick McCarron


    The War Gods Quick Reference Sheet is

    Copyright (C) 1996-97 The IceMaster


    This document may not be sold, copied, or edited in any form or for

    any profit without giving PROPER credit to the authors.


    War Gods is a registered trademark of Midway Games, Inc.

    Copyright (C) 1996-97 Midway Games, Inc. All other names mentioned

    herein are trademarks of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

    This sheet is in no way related to Midway Games, Inc. nor its divisions

    and affiliates.


    The War Gods Information Center Presents...


    Version: 1.03


    *For War Gods Nintendo 64, PlayStation, and Windows 95 Versions*


    Last Updated: 6/13/1997

    by Patrick McCarron (pat@rat.org)

    & The IceMaster (wargods@icemaster.org)



    ==[ WHAT'S NEW? ]==


    - 6-13-1997 | Minor Revision with small fixes in the

    moves/codes listings

    - 6-07-1997 | Fixed Warhead's Fatality (listed the arcade

    version's key sequence in last revision)

    - 5-30-1997 | Minor revisions to the Fatality descriptions.


    - 5-29-1997 | First revision of the Home Version FAQ

    This FAQ covers the Nintendo 64, Sony PlayStation, and

    Windows 95 PC platform ports of War Gods.


    - NOTE: Get on FAQ Subscription List for updates



    ==[ THE STORY ]==


    Billions of years ago, a being from a distant

    galaxy was transporting a precious cargo of

    life giving Ore. The turbulent formation of

    our solar system caused his ship to crash,

    and scattered The Ore over the molten surface

    of planet earth.


    Through the millennia, ten humans came into

    contact with The Ore and were transformed

    into super-evolved warriors.


    These are the WAR GODS!



    ==[ FAQ KEY ]==


    Move Key



    B - Back HP - High Punch

    D - Down LP - Low Punch

    F - Forward BL - Block

    U - Up HK - High Kick

    + - And (simultaneously) LK - Low Kick

    , - Then 3D - 3D Button





    Basic Attacks:



    Done during a fight:


    Uppercut: D+HP

    Leg Sweep: B+LK

    Fierce Kick: (Roundhouse) B+HK

    Throw: F+LP

    Shove: BL, BL

    Evasive Get Up: B+BL (While down on ground)

    Get Up Attack: F+HP+LP

    (While getting up from ground)

    Run: F, F

    Unblockable Pounce: U+HP (While opponent is down)

    3D Jump: Hold 3D+BL, UP or DOWN

    3D Walk: Hold 3D, UP or DOWN

    3D Slide: Hold 3D, UP, UP or DOWN, DOWN



    Basic Finishers



    Done After "Prove Yourself!":


    Uppercut Ring Special D+HP

    Roundhouse Ring Special Hold 3D, B+HK

    SlowMo Auto Combo (Cy-5/Ahau) Hold 3D, B, F, HK

    Hold BL and 3D for a different

    camera angle.

    SlowMo Auto Combo (All others) Hold 3D, B, F, HP

    Hold BL and 3D for a different

    camera angle.



    /.] Tips and Tricks [.\


    Blocking Throws:

    To Block a Throw hold Back or Down Back. Just Block doesn't Block a

    throw. So if you're playing someone who keeps throwing, hold DB+BL

    and counter attack.


    Jump Into Combo:

    You can jumpkick or punch into combos now much easier, the extra

    damage is usually about 10-15% more, so it's a GREAT tactic.


    If You Slide, You Will Win:

    The 3D Slide is your key to victory against all players, especially

    newbies that haven't even touched the 3D Button yet.


    Evasive Get Up and Attacks:

    Use the Evasive Get Up and Get Up Attack a lot to surprise your

    opponents. Use the Evasive Get Up Attack when someone is doing the

    Unblockable Pounce Attack on you, and then Run up and combo them

    quick, or if they're running or walking towards you, use the Get Up

    Attack to knock them down and score some damage.


    The Shove is Useful:

    Whenever your opponent is just sitting around blocking run up and shove

    them, and then start a combo or do a special move. Since the Shove is

    unblockable, they are left vulnerable and you can start your combo.



    --====] AHAU KIN [====--


    [.\ STORY LINE /.]

    In a vision, AHAU KIN, an evil high priest, learned that

    untold power lay at the bottom of his tribe's sacrificial well.

    One by one, he sent his slaves to their death diving to

    reach The Ore.

    Finally, overwhelmed with desire, he plunged to the well's

    depths and retrieved The Ore.


    [.\ MOVES /.]

    Sunburst: B, F, LP

    Teleport Gate: D, U, LK (Can be done in the air)

    Blow Dart: B, F, HP

    2 Blow Darts: B, B, F, HP

    3 Blow Darts: B, B, B, F, HP

    Sword Swipe: D, B, HP (F+HP for extra swipe)

    Dagger Stab: D, F, LP

    Clothesline: F, F, HK+LK


    Combo Breaker: F, B, F, B+HK+LK


    [.\ COMBOS ./]

    Complete Combo:

    10 Hit CC - 30%: B, F, HK, LK, HK, LP, LP, HP, HP, HP, HK

    Other Combos

    10 Hit CC - 39%: Jump Kick, 10 Hit CC

    10 Hit CC - 39%: HK, CC

    4 Hit Chained - 18%: Deep Jump Kick, Spark, HK, Clothesline

    4 Hit Juggle - 21%: (In Corner) Jump Kick, HP, HP, Clothesline


    [.\ FATALS ./]

    Fatality: Hold 3D, U, D, U, HK (Close)

    Description: Ahau Kin raises an altar to appear behind his

    opponent. He then shoves the victim so that they land

    on the blood-stained surface, and he jumps on top of

    them, keeping them "pinned" down. The opponent struggles

    to escape, but Ahau Kin shows no mercy and shoves his

    hand into their chest. After he moves his hand around

    inside their torso for a moment, he yanks out the beating

    heart of his opposing War God. He holds the heart

    up high, then lowers it after a brief pause and takes a

    large bite out of it, as the victim drops from conciousness

    with a hole on their chest.

    (It's a stone heart if the victim is Tak, an artificial one

    leaking electricity if it's Cy-5, and a human heart squirting

    blood of it's anyone else.)



    --====] ANUBIS [====--


    [.\ STORY LINE /.]

    While searching for lost treasure in the Valley of the

    Kings, a grave robber uncovered a hidden burial chamber.

    The thief tried to steal it's treasures, anaware that

    The Ore had been placed in the chamber to destroy anyone who


    His body was destoyed by The Ore, but his soul is cursed

    to return as ANUBIS.


    [.\ MOVES ./]

    Pyramid Trap: D+B, LP (Can be done in midair)

    Teleport Attack: B, F, LK

    Staff Chop: D+F, HK

    Staff Sweep: D, B, LK

    Double Staff Chop: F, F during Staff Sweep

    Staff Bolt: D+F, HP

    Horn Charge: F, D, B, HK+LK


    Combo Breaker: 3D, B, U, F+HK


    [.\ COMBOS ./]

    Complete Combo:

    10 Hit CC - 32%: B, F, HP, HK, HP, LP, BL, F, F, B, F, HK+LK

    Other Combos:

    4 Hit Juggle - 32%: While opponent is jumping in:

    Jumping Kick, Trap in Air, HP, Telestaff

    4 Hit Juggle - 23%: While opponent is jumping in:

    HP, Trap, HP, Staff Sweep, Double Staff Chop

    3 Hit Juggle - 31%: Trap, Telestaff, Horn Charge (only works on computer)

    3 Hit Juggle - 16%: While opponent is jumping in: HP, HP, Telestaff

    3 Hit Juggle - 15%: While opponent is jumping in:

    Trap, HP, Telestaff, Horn Charge (only works on computer)

    3 Hit Chained - 12%: Trap, Staff Sweep, Double Staff Chop

    2 Hit Juggle: While opponent is jumping in: Jumping Punch, Horn Charge

    2 Hit Chained: Deep Jump Kick, Horn Charge


    [.\ FATALS ./]

    Fatality: F, D, B, HP+LK (Half of the Ring)

    Description: Anubis summons down from the skies, an Egyptian mummy

    case. Blood spills from underneath as the case slowly opens

    to reveal the victim mummified and still concious, struggling

    to get out.



    --====] CY-5 [====--


    [.\ STORY LINE /.]

    The power of The Ore is timeless.

    In the year 2096, scientists will implant The Ore into

    CY-5, an advanced cyborg, unaware that The Ore has life-giving


    CY-5 will kill the scientists.

    It will conclude that more Ore is needed for greater

    human consciousness.

    CY-5 will fight in a ruthless systematic manner to achive its goal.


    [.\ MOVES ./]

    Teleport: D, B, LK

    Ground Laser: B, D, F, LP (Can be done in midair)

    Overhead Laser: Hold 3D, B, D, F, HP

    Gain Orbital: B, B, LP (Can Gain Up To 4)

    Fire Orbital: Gain, HP+LP

    The Blender: D, B, HP


    Combo Breaker: 3D, D, U+HP+LK


    [.\ COMBOS ./]

    Complete Combo:

    13 Hits - 39% - CC: B, F, HK, F, D, B, HP, HP, LP, LP

    5 Hits - 23% - CC: B, F, HP, HP, LP, HP, LP

    Other Combos:

    2 Hits Chained 50%: Deep Jump Kick, The Blender


    [.\ FATALS ./]

    Fatality: B, B, HP (Half of the Ring)

    Description: Cy-5 keys in a combination on his arm and stands

    in anticipation for his ride. A shadow begins to cover

    the arena as a large space craft appears overhead. The

    space craft aims its center over Cy-5's victim and fries

    the opposition with an orange beam, melting them into a

    puddle of deity remains. The futuristic War God is then

    teleported onboard and rides from the site.



    --====] KABUKI JO [====--


    [.\ STORY LINE /.]

    A feared medieval samurai discovered The Ore on the eve

    of a great battle.

    Overwhelmed by its power, he slaughtered his men in a rage

    of fire and fury.

    Shamed by the destruction he had caused, he became KABUKI

    JO, an outcast determined to master the power that consumes him.


    [.\ MOVES ./]

    Fire Trap: B, D, F, LK

    Shuriken Throw: D, F, HP

    CW Shuriken Spread: Hold 3D, D, F, HP

    CCW Shuriken Spread: Hold 3D, D, F, LP

    Short Dragon Breath: B, F, LP

    Medium Dragon Breath: B, B, F, LP

    Long Dragon Breath: B, B, B, F, LP

    Dragon Staff: F, D, B, HP, LP, LK (3 Hits - 18%)

    Sword Flurry: F, F, HP+LP (Keep taping F+HP+LP to keep attacking)


    Combo Breaker: 3D, U, D, U+LK


    [.\ COMBOS ./]

    Complete Combo:

    10 Hit CC - 36%: B, F, HP, HK, LP, LP, HK+LK, D, F, HK+LK

    Other Combos:

    11 Hit CC - 44%: HK, 10 Hit CC

    12 Hit CC - 44%: Deep Jump Kick, Fire Trap, 10 Hit CC

    4 Hit Air Juggle - 24%: While opponent is jumping in:

    HK, 3 Hit Dragon Staff Combo (UNCONFIRMED)


    [.\ FATALS ./]

    Fatality: B, D, F, HK+LK (Sweep Distance)

    Description: Kabuki Jo takes out his staff and shoves it into the

    midsection of his victim. He then places the staff in upright

    position, letting the body of the opposition slowly slide

    down, as they're impaled on the middle of his combat weapon.

    (If the victim is Tak, he won't slide.)



    --====] MAXIMUS [====--


    [.\ STORY LINE /.]

    MAXIMUS, a mighty gladiator, fought for the entertainment

    of his masters. During a great festival that celebrated The Ore,

    he battled to determine which master would possess it.

    He killed his opponent, but slaughtered his masters as

    well. He took The Ore and escaped.

    Consumed by it's power, he fights for all who have been enslaved.


    [.\ MOVES ./]

    Net Trap: B, F, HP+LP

    Shockwave Punch: Hold 3D, U, D, LP

    Hammer Attack: D+F, LP

    Hammer Throw: D+B, HP

    Headbutt: B, F, LP

    Noogie: F, F, HP (Close; Hit HP for up to 4 hits)

    Reversal Throw: B, HP (When opponent is attacking you)


    Combo Breaker: F, F+HP+LP


    [.\ COMBOS ./]

    Complete Combo:

    10 Hits CC - 39%: B, F, HP, LP, F, F, LK, LP, HP, HP, LP, B, D, F, LP

    Other Combos:

    10 Hits CC - 45%: Deep Jump Kick, Net, 10 Hit CC

    5 Hits Chained - 54%: In Corner:

    Deep Jump Kick, Net, Deep Jump Kick, HK, Hammer


    [.\ FATALS ./]

    Fatality: Hold 3D, F, F, HP+LP (Close)

    Description: Maximus causes two Roman columns to rise on each side

    behind his opponent, in a position automatically "sticking"

    the victim's wrists to them. The freedom fighter then takes

    out his sword and slashes across the opponent's torso, drop-

    ping their bottom half to the ground while the top half

    remains on the columns, as blood drips from their torn

    body and mouth.



    --====] PAGAN [====--


    [.\ STORY LINE /.]

    Ancient manuscripts revealed the locationd of The Ore

    to PAGAN, a mistress of the black arts.

    She arrived at the ruins of a cathedral where The Ore

    was once worshipped. Pagan summoned forth the hidden Ore by

    reciting the manuscript's incantations.

    The Ore increased her hunger for power and destruction.

    She will destroy anyone who stands in her way.


    [.\ MOVES ./]

    Skeleton Trap: B, D, F, LP

    Smoke Teleport: D, D, LK

    Electric Shock: D, B, HP

    Copter Kick: D, F, HK+LK

    Leg Flip: F, F, HK


    Combo Breaker: B, B, B, F+HK+LK


    [.\ COMBOS ./]

    Complete Combo:

    10 Hit CC - 31%: B, F, HP, HK, HP, HK, HK, HK, LK, LK, HP

    Other Combos:

    10 Hit CC - 39%: HK, 10 Hit CC

    10 Hit CC - 36%: Deep Jump kick, Skeleton Trap, 10 Hit CC

    5 Hits Juggle:

    Deep Jump Kick, Skeleton Trap, Deep Jump Kick, HK, Leg Throw

    4 Hit Chained:

    Skeleton Trap, HP, HP, HK, Leg Throw (only against computer)

    3 Hit Chained:

    Skeleton Trap, HP, HP, Leg Throw (only against computer)

    3 Hit Chained:

    Skeleton Trap, HP, HK, Leg Throw (only against computer)

    3 Hit Air Juggle: While opponent is jumping in: HK, HP, Leg Throw

    2 Hit Chained: Deep Jump kick, Flying Leg Throw


    [.\ FATALS ./]

    Fatality: B, F, LP (Half of the Ring)

    Description: Pagan pulls out a Medusa head, holds it in front

    of her and scares the victim to stone, as in Greek mythology.

    It rises into the air, growing larger; the head remains

    suspended in midair between Pagan and her opponent. It then

    fires beams of energy into the now-stone War God, causing

    the opposition to explode into fragments of stone remains.

    (If the victim is Tak, he would have just taunted her




    <LI> --====] TAK [====--


    [.\ STORY LINE /.]

    Thousands of years ago, a kingdom worshipped The Ore

    as a god.

    A rival kingdom declared war to capture The Ore. In

    the face of defeat, the king hid The Ore in a stone idol.

    The idol came to life as TAK, avenger of a lost civilization.


    [.\ MOVES ./]

    Shockwave Stomp: Hold 3D, B, D, F, LK

    Rock Crush: D, B, HP

    Boulder: D, F, LP

    PowerSlam: F, B, LP (Close)

    Belly-to-Back Suplex: F, B, HP (Close)


    Combo Breaker: 3D, B, F+HP


    [.\ COMBOS ./]

    Complete Combo:

    10 Hits CC - 32%: B, F, HP, HP, LP, LP, LK, LK, HP, HP, HK

    Other Combos:

    11 Hits - 39%: HK, CC

    11 Hits - 42%: Earthquake, HK, CC

    12 Hit - 39%: Earthquake Stomp, Boulder, 10 Hit CC, Jump Kick

    (Or Uppercut if In Corner, add about 10-15%, but it won't count)


    [.\ FATALS ./]

    Fatality: B, D, F, LP+HK (Close)

    Description: Tak hammers his opponent on the head with his bare

    fist three times in a row, leaving only the victim's head

    above ground. The camera takes a far shot as the stone War

    God decapitates his opponent with a simple kick, sending

    the head into a clear camera view.



    <LI> --====] VALLAH [====--


    [.\ STORY LINE /.]


    VALLAH, a warrior princess, became seperated from

    battle during a great ice storm.

    Taking shelter in a nearby cave, she saw a glowing

    green light trapped inside a translucent wall of ice.

    Hacking away at the ice, her sword finally made

    contact with The Ore.

    Vallah was transformed into a Viking goddess, and

    rules the realm of ice.


    [.\ MOVES ./]

    Dragon Trap: F, D, B, HP

    Axe Chop: B, B, HP

    Axe Throw: D, F, LP

    Double Axe Throw: Hold 3D, D, F, LP

    Shield Slice: D+B, LP

    Shield Dash: B, F, LK+HK

    Sword Slicer: B, F, HP

    Double Sword Slice: Hold LP, F, B, HP


    Combo Breaker: 3D, D, B+LK


    [.\ COMBOS ./]

    (NOTE: Add big damage to Vallah's combos by doing the axe chop when you

    knock them down)


    Complete Combo:

    10 Hit CC - 34%:

    B, F, HP, LK, LK, HP, LP, LP, HP, B, D, F, F, D, B

    Other Combos:

    12 Hit - 45%: While opponent is jumping in: HK, HP, Gator Trap, 10 Hit CC

    11 Hit - 39%: While opponent is jumping in: HK, Gator Trap, 10 Hit CC

    11 Hit Complete 42%: HK, 10 Hit CC

    4 Hit Chained - 29%:

    Deep Jump Kick, Gator Trap, Deep Jump Kick, Shield Dash

    4 Hit Corner Juggle - 18%: Jump Kick, HP, HP, Shield Dash


    [.\ FATALS ./]

    Fatality: F, F, LK (Close)

    Description: Vallah raises a double-layered bed behind her opponent.

    She then shoves her opponent onto the surface of the upper

    layer and raises her arms to activate the heat from the

    lower layer, frying the victim. The flames die down as she

    lowers her arms, leaving the burnt remains of the opposition.



    <LI> --====] VOODOO [====--


    [.\ STORY LINE /.]

    In a Caribbean village, a witch doctor enslaved

    his people black magic and arcane spells.

    One night in desperation, the villagers captured

    the witch doctor and burnt him to death. They threw his

    body into a forbidden swamp, unaware that it hid a deposit

    of The Ore.

    The ore's energy brought his corpse back to life as

    VOODOO, god of the undead.


    [.\ MOVES ./]

    Snake Pull: B, B, LP

    Teleport: B, F, LK

    Naildown: Hold 3D, B, D, F, HP

    High Bat Attack: D, B, HP

    Low Bat Attack: D, B, LP

    Spinning Claw: B, F, HP+LP

    (Tap HP+LP to spin more)

    Bitch Slap: F, B, LP (Close; tap LP for up to 4)


    Combo Breaker: F, D, B+HP+LP


    [.\ COMBOS ./]

    Complete Combo:

    12 Hit CC - 38%: B, F, HP, HK, HP, LK, LK, LK, LP, LP, HK, HP

    Other Combos:

    14? Hit CC - 42%:

    While opponent is jumping in: HK, HP, Snake Trap, 12 Hit CC

    14? Hit CC - 48%: Deep Jump Kick, HP, Arm Grab, 12 Hit CC

    14? Hit CC - 49%: Deep Jump Kick, HK, Arm Grab, 12 Hit CC

    14? Hit CC - 50%: Jump kick, Snake Grab, HK, 12 Hit CC

    13? Hit CC - 46%: While opponent is jumping in: HK, Snake Trap, 12 Hit CC

    13? Hit CC - 46%: Deep Jump Kick, Arm Grab, 12 Hit CC

    4 Hit Chained - 38%: Deep Jump Kick, Snake Grab, F+HK, B+LP


    [.\ FATALS ./]

    Fatality: B, F, LP (Half of the Ring)

    Description: Voodoo takes out a doll replica of his opponent.

    He then slashes the voodoo doll with his claws, across

    its stomach, causing the victim's abdominal area to

    split open. From the hole comes their liver, while their

    intestines uncoil with blood madly squirting from the

    large opening.



    <LI> --====] WARHEAD [====--


    [.\ STORY LINE /.]

    Government officials were worried than an

    experiment to merge nuclear weapons with The Ore was

    in jeopardy. They sent their top operative to investigate.

    When he arrived at the research center, the

    building exploded, covering his body with fragments

    of The Ore

    The soldier was tranformed into WARHEAD,

    a super-human fighter.


    [.\ MOVES ./]

    Shockwave Punch: Hold 3D, B, D, F, HP

    Launch Direct Missles: D, B, LP

    Launch Seeking Missles: Hold 3D, D, B, LP

    Cannonball Stomp: B, F, HK+LK (Can be done in the air)

    Skull Crusher: F, B, HP (Hit HP for more hits; Close)


    Combo Breaker: 3D, B, B, F, HP


    [.\ COMBOS ./]

    Complete Combo:

    10 Hit CC - 36%: B, F, HP, HP, LP, LP, LK, LK, HK, HK, LP

    Other Combos:

    11 Hit CC - 44%: Shock Wave, 10 Hit CC

    11 Hit CC - 44%: HK, 10 Hit CC

    11 Hit CC - 49%: DEEP Jump kick, Shock Wave, HK, CC

    4 Hit Air Juggle - 18%: Shock Wave, HP, HP, (pause 1 sec) Cannonball

    3 Hit Juggle - 16%: Shock Wave, HK, Cannonball


    [.\ FATALS ./]

    Fatality: F, D, B, HK (Half of the Ring)

    Description: Warhead crouches down and radios his backup. Nukes are

    then dropped upon the unsuspecting victim, eventually blowing

    them to oblivion. As the mushroom cloud floats away, all that

    remains is a crater where the victim stood.



    <LI> --====] GROX [====--


    [.\ TIPS AGAINST AI /.]

    1.) Usually, repeated up-forward flying kicks to the head from up close

    will work against him.

    2.) When he jumps 3D Slide or walk back (if near center) and counter with

    a trap or projectile.

    3.) Sometimes Grox takes block damage from some attacks, so find those

    and use them to your advantage.

    4.) When he jumps at you Uppercut him when he is above you.


    [.\ MOVES ./]

    Shockwave Stomp: B, U, F, LK

    Belly Splash: B, F, HK+LK

    Axe Handle: F, F, HP

    Forearm Swing: B, F, HP

    Belly Bump: B, F, HP+LP

    Bigfoot: F+HP

    Ragdoll Throw: F, B, LP (Close)



    <LI> --====] EXOR [====--


    [.\ TIPS AGAINST AI /.]

    1.) If you want to be cheap, use Anubis and teleport whenever possible.

    In lower difficulties, this shouldn't be a problem; if he blocks,

    jump back, teleport again.

    2.) Don't jump forward or back, he'll then EASILY get you with his lasers

    and his trap.

    3.) If you sit there blocking he'll use his telekinetic throw.

    4.) He has weaknesses to some moves, find them and use them often.

    5.) Traps are useless against him.

    6.) 3D Slide and fire a projectile to hit a BIT easier.

    7.) Wait for his Arial Ore Energy shot, run up and uppercut. This will work

    good if you time it right so he doesn't get you when you're close.


    [.\ MOVES ./]

    Containment Orb: F, D, B, HP

    Teleport: F, F, LK

    Direct Ore Energy: B, D, F, LP

    Arial Ore Energy: F, F, HK

    Arial Ore Energy #2: B, B, HP+LP

    Arial Ore Energy #3: B, F, HP+LP

    Teleport Arial Ore: F, D, B, HK

    Force Field: F, F, HP

    Turn-Around Backfist: B, B, LP

    Telekinetic Slam: F+LP





    There are 2 main types of combos in War Gods:


    1) Predefined combos are a lot like combos from KI and MK3 combined. To start

    one, you hit with B, F, followed by HP (or HK if you're Ahau Kin or Cy-5),

    this usually gets 2 auto chained hits. Complete ones are listed in this

    document with B, F, and so on, however, you MAY substitute B, F, with F, F.

    These combos also require PRECISE timing, so watch your character for signs

    of when the next button should be pressed. After you do a predefined combo

    completely, Exor will announce "COMBO!" and it displays this on screen:


    8 Hit <-- Number of hits

    COMBO <-- Signifies is a Predefined Combo

    21% Damage <-- Shows damage %


    (Note: If you do all the character's hits it says COMPLETE under where

    COMBO is and plays a ringing sound that signifies it)


    Remember, combos can be broken in the home versions of War Gods! If

    you're the victim to a complete combo, all you have to do is press your

    character's combo breaker sequence and you'll be free. At that point,

    both you and your opponent will be standing free, take that opportunity

    to "turn the tables" before he resumes his attack!


    2) Other Combos include all the other combo styles; mostly juggles and

    special moves that hit many times or "chained" together, like jump kick

    then a quick dashing move.


    Chained Combo - This is a combo done on the ground which is usually moves,

    and attacks "chained" together. These CAN get pretty


    Juggle Combo - These combos usually start with someone jumping in at you

    and you do a special move or an attack that "Juggles" the

    opponent in the air. Sometimes a juggle combo will end with

    a "chained" or Predefined Combo.


    After you do these combos it shows this, and the game will NOT say



    3 Hit <-- Number of hits

    13% Damage <-- Shows damage %



    <P> ==[ CHEAT CODES ]==


    <LI> --====] Nintendo 64 [====--


    Random Select: Lets the CPU choose a god for you! On the selection screen,

    hit UP+Start.


    Free Play: Once enabled, free play (unlimited credits) is added to the

    Credits option in the options screen. On the title screen, hit

    C-Left, C-Left, Right, A, B, C-Up, C-Right. You will see a flash

    accompanied by Exor's announcement of "All too easy!"


    Cheat Menu: Enables cheat menu in the options screen. On the title screen,

    hit Right, Right, Right, B, B, A, A (Rightx3, Bx2, Ax2)


    -Cheat Menu Functions-

    o Player 1 Skill - Modify amount of damage player 1 takes.

    o Player 2 Skill - Modify amount of damage player 2 takes.

    o Level Select - Choose the arena to always fight at.

    o Game Timer - Enables / Disables the game timer.

    o Easy Fatalities - Pressing HP+LP+HK+LK will trigger your



    Play as Grox: Enables you to play as Grox. On the Selection Screen, hit

    Down, Right, Left, Left, Up, Down, Right, Up, Left, Left,

    fast and choose any character. Exor will announce "All

    too easy!" if it worked, and you will stay as Grox for the

    first match only (due to technical reasons, you are not

    allowed to stay as a boss through the rest of the game!)


    Play as Exor: Enables you to play as Exor. On the Selection Screen, hit

    Left, Down, Down, Right, Left, Up, Left, Up, Right, Down,

    fast and choose any character. Exor will announce "All

    too easy!" if it worked, and you will stay as Grox for the

    first match only (due to technical reasons, you are not

    allowed to stay as a boss through the rest of the game!)



    <LI> --====] Sony PlayStation [====--


    Random Select: Lets the CPU choose a god for you! On the selection screen,

    hit UP+Start.


    The 4-Digit Numeric Codes:

    The following codes are entered at the Cheat Codes screen in Options.


    Free Play

    Enables Free Play (Unlimited Credits) in options screen

    On 0705

    Off 5070


    Player 1 Invincible

    Makes player 1 invincible

    On 2358

    Off 8532


    Player 2 Invincible

    Makes player 2 invincible

    On 1224

    Off 4221


    Player 1 Extra Damage

    Makes player one cause more damage

    On 7879

    Off 9787


    Player 2 Extra Damage

    Makes player two cause more damage

    On 3961

    Off 1693


    Quick finish game

    Finish the game after killing one CPU player

    On 4258

    Off 8524


    Easy Fatalities

    Pressing HP+LK triggers a Fatality

    On 0322

    Off 2230



    Enables player 1 to play as Grox

    On 6969

    Off 9696



    Enables player 1 to play as Exor

    On 2791

    Off 1972


    Level 1 select

    Allows you to always play on level 1

    On 5550

    Off 5556


    Level 2 select

    Allows you to always play on level 2

    On 5551

    Off 5556


    Level 3 select

    Allows you to always play on level 3

    On 5552

    Off 5556


    Level 4 select

    Allows you to always play on level 4

    On 5553

    Off 5556


    Level 5 select

    Allows you to always play on level 5

    On 5554

    Off 5556


    Level 6 select

    Allows you to always play on level 6

    On 5555

    Off 5556


    Level 7 select

    Allows you to always play on level 7 (secret level)

    On 5557

    Off 5556



    <LI> --====] Windows 95 PC [====--


    Random Select: Lets the CPU choose a god for you! On the selection screen,

    hit UP+Start.


    The 4-Digit Numeric Codes:

    The following codes are entered in the Cheat Codes box at the top-right

    corner of the "Advanced" page in Properties.


    NOTE: Some of the numeric codes listed below will NOT work if entered

    after starting a game.


    Free Play

    Enables free play (Unlimited Credits) in options screen

    On 2509

    Off 9052


    Player 1 invincible

    Makes player 1 invincible

    On 1971

    Off 1791


    Player 2 invincible

    Makes player 2 invincible

    On 1515

    Off 5151


    Player 1 extra damage

    Makes player one cause more damage

    On 0708

    Off 8070


    Player 2 extra damage

    Makes player two cause more damage

    On 3366

    Off 6633


    Quick finish game

    Finish the game after killing one CPU player

    On 4774

    Off 7447


    Easy fatalities

    Pressing HP+LK triggers a fatality

    On 1037

    Off 7301



    Enables player 1 to play as Grox

    On 3871

    Off 1783



    Enables player 1 to play as Exor

    On 9021

    Off 1209


    Level 1 select

    Allows you to always play on level 1

    On 9990

    Off 9996


    Level 2 select

    Allows you to always play on level 2

    On 9991

    Off 9996


    Level 3 select

    Allows you to always play on level 3

    On 9992

    Off 9996


    Level 4 select

    Allows you to always play on level 4

    On 9993

    Off 9996


    Level 5 select

    Allows you to always play on level 5

    On 9994

    Off 9996


    Level 6 select

    Allows you to always play on level 6

    On 9995

    Off 9996


    Level 7 select

    Allows you to always play on level 7 (secret level)

    On 9997

    Off 9996


    Frame Rate Display

    Allows you to view the frame rate the game is

    running at on your system.

    Toggle On/Off 5721


    <LI> ==[ OTHER STUFF ]==


    Where can you find the newest version of this FAQ?


    1.) Via The World Wide Web (WWW) At:

    - The War Gods Info Center WWW Site:



    2.) Via The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) at:

    - The War Gods Info Center AnonymousFTP Site:

    ftp.icemaster.org /pub/wargods/


    3) Join E-Mail FAQ Subscription List by e-mailing beavis@betatesters.com

    with the Subject line "war gods subscribe" to subscribe to the list or

    "war gods unsubscribe" to unsubscribe from the list. (Without the

    quotation marks.)

    If you would like to talk to us, come to the #wargods channel on the

    EFNet IRC Network. We usually use the nicks McCarron and IceMaster.

    Or you may E-Mail Patrick McCarron at pat@rat.org or The IceMaster at

    wargods@icemaster.org. Corrections are welcome!





    - WepaMan on IRC for informing us that we were originally missing moves

    for the bosses.

    - Eurocom for developing a great conversion and finally fixing some old

    bugs that were never gotten around to with the arcade version.



    ==[ LEGAL STUFF ]==


    The War Gods Information Center Text FAQ is

    Copyright (C) 1996-97 Patrick McCarron


    This document may not be sold, copied, or edited in any form or for

    any profit without giving PROPER credit to us the Authors.


    War Gods, the characters, and DigitalSkin are registered trademarks of

    Midway Games, Inc. Copyright (C) 1996-97 Midway Games, Inc. All other

    names and likenesses are trademarks of their respective owners.

    All rights reserved. This FAQ is in no way related to any company

    mentioned herein.


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