Jagged Alliance 2 Hints


Review By: Al Giovetti
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Jagged Alliance 2 Hints

  1. Frequently Asked Questions
  2. How to answer Questions to get special traits
  3. Jagged Alliance 2 Cheats
  4. Read Al Giovetti's Review
  5. References

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Frequently Asked Questions

Special traits: Answer the questions to generate custom mercinaries in the following way to get special traits. You will get teaching, automatic weapons, night ops, ambidextrous, and throwing if you select the ones indicated as picks. The other questions you can have have four of the following seven traits: martial arts, hand to hand, lockpick,optimism, stealth, electrinics or knifing) For example if you want stealth and lockpicking then you have to choose in question 12 beween martial arts, hand to hand, knifing or electronics because you can pick one of the knifing or electronics in number 7. I picked martial arts instead of hand to hand because it sounded sexier, then took knifing or electronics depending upon what i wanted.

  1. Question 1 1: Martial Arts 2: None 3: Hand to Hand combat 4: Lock Picking 5: Throwing* 6: Optimism (matial arts, hand to hand. lockpick or optimism)
  2. Question 2 1: Teaching 2: None 3: Psycho Personality 4: Friendly personality (pick number one)
  3. Question 3 1: Lock Picking 2: None 3: Stealth 4: Normal personality (1 lock pick or 3 stealth)
  4. Question 4 1: Automatic Weapons 2: Friendly Personality 3: Normal Personality 4: None 5: None (pick number one)
  5. Question 5 1: None 2: None 3: Aggressive Personality 4: None
  6. Question 6 1: None 2: Night Ops 3: None 4: None 5: None (pick number 2)
  7. Question 7 1: Electronics 2: Knifing 3: Night Ops* 4: None (electronics or knifing)
  8. Question 8 1: Ambidextrous 2: None 3: Optimistic Personality 4: Psycho Personality (pick number one)
  9. Question 9 The answers to this question have no effect on skills/personality.
  10. Question 10 The answers to this question have no effect on skills/personality.
  11. Question 11 1: None 2: Teaching* 3: Aggressive Personality 4: Normal Personality 5: None (pick number 2)
  12. Question 12 1: Martial Arts 2: Knifing 3: None 4: Automatic Weapons* 5: Hand to Hand combat 6: Electronics 7: None 8: None (martial arts, knifing, hand to hand or electronics)
  13. Question 13 1: None 2: Normal Personality 3: Normal Personality 4: None
  14. Question 14 1: None 2: Normal Personality 3: None 4: None
  15. Question 15 1: Throwing 2: Ambidextrous* 3: None 4: None (pick number one)
  16. Question 16 The answers to this question have no effect on skills/personality.


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