Jet Moto Cheats article by Al Giovetti


By Al Giovetti
Lead Artist:

Jet Moto Cheats

Type the following cheats to achieve the desired result.

    -Jet Moto
  1. CONTORTIONIST - Super Agility
  2. JETPACKSPECIAL - Rocket Racer
  3. 2XSTUNTS - Double Stunt Points
  4. ZIPPYNODRAG - Zero Resistance
  5. SCREECHNOW - Air Brakes
  6. YAHOOLOOKIE - Show Off Camera
  7. ZOWIEZOOM - Unlimited Turbos
  8. SWOOSHSKATE - Ice Racing
  9. BRAINIACPLUS - Inverted Camera
  10. upupnaway-stays in the air longer Kyle Spangle
  11. pleezfreez-freezes eveyone for 5 sec. Kyle Spangle
  12. marionbiker- a bigger and better bike.(type it in at the biker select screen) Kyle Spangle

    Just type these codes in at the title screen after codes are enabled. To enable codes you must: 1. Place first on the full ciciut on Intermediate. This will allow you to access 4 new tracks
    2. Place first on the full circuit again this time on Professional. This will enable 2 more tacks
    3. Place first on the full circuit again on Professional. This will enable the final track.
    4. Place first on the full circuit again on Professional

    Now when you go back to the title screen, the rider in the middle should have a cartoon bubble near her that says "Codes Enabled" Now you can use the codes.


Publish your own cheats right here. Just email us your text.


  1. Wed, 31 Dec 1997 10:41:23 -0500
    From: "TAMMY"
    Dear Al
    The game I need cheet coads for is Twisted Metal 2. I wold appresheat it if you can get me Twisted Metal 2,extreme games, and jet moto1!Plese!!! My real name is kevin! e-mail address is thanks Al from Kevin Walsh
  2. From: Kyle Spangle
    hey my uncle works for a computer game designer company or something and he know a ton of cheats for jet moto: upupnaway-stays in the air longer pleezfreez-freezes eveyone for 5 sec. marionbiker- a bigger and better bike.(type it in at the biker select screen) I LOST THE REST BUT ILL TRY AND GET THEM FOR YOU! E-MAIL ME BACK AND TELL ME IF YOU GOT THIS MESSAGE! THANX

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